Science Fair
Be on the lookout for information about this year's Science Fair! Science Fair is MANDATORY for second graders, but optional for other grades. This year, second grade science fair projects are due on May 18. Students will create a project display board, write a report, and orally present their project to the class on May 18.
Students are required to design and perform an experiment, make observations during and after the experiment, and think about reasons WHY they got the experimental results they obtained.
More to come by the end of the week!
Scholastic Book Orders
Last week I sent home Scholastic Book Order forms. I have two more to send home this week. This is your last opportunity to stock up on books for summer reading this school year. I will be placing the order on May 2, so get your online orders in before then! If you would like to pay by check or cash, be sure I have the order before May 2!
Life Science Unit
Important vocabulary: habitat, ecosystem, biome, pond, tundra, desert, mountain, ocean, biologist, zoologist, living, nonliving, organism, adaptation, metamorphosis, larva/larvae, antenna/antennae, pupa/pupae, chrysalis, insect, mammal, reptile, bird, fish, freshwater vs. seawater, tadpole, froglet, frog, life cycle, vertebrate, invertebrate, interdependence, food chain, symbiotic, herbivore, carnivore, detrivore, omnivore
Language Arts Focus
Comprehension: Main Idea & Details; Author's Purpose; Compare/Contrast; Context Clues
Phonics: Syllables
Language: prefixes, suffixes (-ing, -tion), adjectives, adverbs, shades of meaning, capitalization of names, past tense verbs, reflexive pronouns (myself, ourselves, etc.), rearranging sentences
Math Focus--Unit 6
Adding and subtracting 3-digit numbers.
Students should be able to show how to use these four methods for addition: boxes, sticks, and circles, show all totals, new groups above (what you're used to), and new groups below.
Students should be able to show how to use these four methods for subtraction: ungroup first (that's what you're used to), adding up method, expanded method, and boxes, sticks, and circles method.
Students should be able to subtract a three-digit number from 1,000.
Students should be able to demonstrate how to check an answer by using the opposite operation (such as 100-30=70. Check with 70+30 to see if it equals 100).
Students should be able to compare any 3-digit numbers using <, >, = signs.
Students should be able to solve word problems using numbers up to 1,000.
Students should be able to write numbers up to 1,000 in expanded form (938=900+30+8), standard form (938), and be able to write the number NAMES (938=nine hundred thirty-eight).
Students should be able to calculate how many cents are in 10 dollars, and so forth.
Students should be able to count by ones, fives, and tens up to 1,000.
Students should be able to round a number to the nearest hundred (ex. 283 rounds to 300 if rounding to the nearest hundred, but rounds to 280 if rounding to the nearest ten).
Class Play
The class is already working hard on rehearsing the songs for our class play, The Emperor's New Clothes.
All students will be part of the chorus, singing lots of fun songs.
Students who would like to have one of the special roles on stage will be auditioning on April 29 and 30.
Special roles, some speaking and some singing, are:
Palace Workers
Crooks' Assistants
Furnace Repairman
Parade Organizers
Check the songs we sent home for the words to the specific songs for each role. Narrators will have cards as a reminder of their words, but should memorize them.
We will be performing the entire play three times. The special performance for parents and family will be on Thursday, May 21 at 11:00 a.m. If you are unable to come to this final performance, you may come to one of our dress rehearsals. We will be having a dress rehearsal performance for the primary grades on May 19 at 11:00 a.m. and one for upper grades on May 20 at 2:00 p.m.
Be on the lookout for information about this year's Science Fair! Science Fair is MANDATORY for second graders, but optional for other grades. This year, second grade science fair projects are due on May 18. Students will create a project display board, write a report, and orally present their project to the class on May 18.
Students are required to design and perform an experiment, make observations during and after the experiment, and think about reasons WHY they got the experimental results they obtained.
More to come by the end of the week!
Scholastic Book Orders
Last week I sent home Scholastic Book Order forms. I have two more to send home this week. This is your last opportunity to stock up on books for summer reading this school year. I will be placing the order on May 2, so get your online orders in before then! If you would like to pay by check or cash, be sure I have the order before May 2!
Life Science Unit
Important vocabulary: habitat, ecosystem, biome, pond, tundra, desert, mountain, ocean, biologist, zoologist, living, nonliving, organism, adaptation, metamorphosis, larva/larvae, antenna/antennae, pupa/pupae, chrysalis, insect, mammal, reptile, bird, fish, freshwater vs. seawater, tadpole, froglet, frog, life cycle, vertebrate, invertebrate, interdependence, food chain, symbiotic, herbivore, carnivore, detrivore, omnivore
Language Arts Focus
Comprehension: Main Idea & Details; Author's Purpose; Compare/Contrast; Context Clues
Phonics: Syllables
Language: prefixes, suffixes (-ing, -tion), adjectives, adverbs, shades of meaning, capitalization of names, past tense verbs, reflexive pronouns (myself, ourselves, etc.), rearranging sentences
Math Focus--Unit 6
Adding and subtracting 3-digit numbers.
Students should be able to show how to use these four methods for addition: boxes, sticks, and circles, show all totals, new groups above (what you're used to), and new groups below.
Students should be able to show how to use these four methods for subtraction: ungroup first (that's what you're used to), adding up method, expanded method, and boxes, sticks, and circles method.
Students should be able to subtract a three-digit number from 1,000.
Students should be able to demonstrate how to check an answer by using the opposite operation (such as 100-30=70. Check with 70+30 to see if it equals 100).
Students should be able to compare any 3-digit numbers using <, >, = signs.
Students should be able to solve word problems using numbers up to 1,000.
Students should be able to write numbers up to 1,000 in expanded form (938=900+30+8), standard form (938), and be able to write the number NAMES (938=nine hundred thirty-eight).
Students should be able to calculate how many cents are in 10 dollars, and so forth.
Students should be able to count by ones, fives, and tens up to 1,000.
Students should be able to round a number to the nearest hundred (ex. 283 rounds to 300 if rounding to the nearest hundred, but rounds to 280 if rounding to the nearest ten).
Class Play
The class is already working hard on rehearsing the songs for our class play, The Emperor's New Clothes.
All students will be part of the chorus, singing lots of fun songs.
Students who would like to have one of the special roles on stage will be auditioning on April 29 and 30.
Special roles, some speaking and some singing, are:
Palace Workers
Crooks' Assistants
Furnace Repairman
Parade Organizers
Check the songs we sent home for the words to the specific songs for each role. Narrators will have cards as a reminder of their words, but should memorize them.
We will be performing the entire play three times. The special performance for parents and family will be on Thursday, May 21 at 11:00 a.m. If you are unable to come to this final performance, you may come to one of our dress rehearsals. We will be having a dress rehearsal performance for the primary grades on May 19 at 11:00 a.m. and one for upper grades on May 20 at 2:00 p.m.